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The First Flickers of Fall

by Magnolia
Published on August 16, 2022

Only today.

Nothing more, and nothing less. Just the sun and the occasional burst of cold water that comes with a leap into the swimming pool. The sound of laughing kids and the smell of burgers on the grill. Sunscreen and good friends, iced tea and popsicles.

Only today, forever.

But when the sun goes down and all is quiet, there's a hint of change in the air. It's so slight. Barely noticeable. With summer all around, it's hard to make out what's on the horizon.

Still, something new is coming this way.

The first flickers of fall.

As days go by, the signs become clear. The promise of a return, unbroken after all these years. A friend. A homecoming. The gift of familiar colors and rhythms, warm scents and traditions.

The shops put school supplies on display. Flip flops are traded for clean sneakers. Backpacks are filled with folders and no. 2 pencils. Moment by moment, fall eases back into our lives.

Sure, there's a twinge of resistance. Maybe it's not yet time to let go. Maybe summer can last forever.

But summer already gave all of itself. The promise was kept, and the cup once full is now empty. Until next year, when it returns filled to the brim and ready to give of itself all over again.

Now, fall steps forward with a flicker– its own promise of what's to come.

And we're ready.

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