Silos Update: Bringing the Ballpark Back

by Magnolia
Published on July 1, 2020

_Rendering images provided by David Nisbet, AIA with CP&Y Architecture_

We’re just a few months away from completing our Silos grounds expansion project, increasing the Magnolia footprint from about 2 acres to almost 5.3 acres in downtown Waco. Our aim is to create a welcoming space for people to gather, and we're excited to make way for more of that with these new additions!

Before it officially opens this fall, we wanted to answer a question we’ve been hearing a lot since we shared that a Wiffle ball field was a part of this expansion.

Why a Wiffle ball field?

In our Magnolia Manifesto, we share our belief that “it’s time for the pendulum of trend to swing back to the basics,” and we believe baseball is a reflection of just that. For so many of us, playing or going to a game is a nostalgic, community-led experience that fosters connection and, of course, a lot of fun. The rich history of this location (dating back to 1905) also inspired us to bring the idea of “home plate” back to this section of the Silos grounds. Not to mention, as a lifelong baseball fan, Chip has been incredibly excited and involved in the planning of the field!

Speaking of the history, we’ve created a timeline to show the history of baseball at Katy Park and how it has evolved:

_Image sources are listed at the bottom of this blog._

Bringing the Ballpark Back

Fast forward to 2020. In an effort to pay homage to this history, Chip and Jo wanted to include a smaller version of the field—a Wiffle ball field—as a part of the Silos expansion plan! Home plate will sit in the exact spot that it did all those years ago. To honor the field’s previous name ‘Katy Park’, we’re calling it Katy Ballpark at the Silos.

While this isn’t a real baseball team, we thought it would be a fun way for guests to feel like they’re playing a part in this special corner of the Silos. And as we all know, no team is complete without a mascot, so now we've got our very own—a silo!

The Ballpark Experience

We’re opening up a concession stand off of right field that will offer traditional ballpark favorites like nachos, sodas, sloppy joes, and ring pops—because ballpark fare can’t be left out!

Katy Ballpark Team Gear

Just around the corner from the field, we’ll also be selling a line of team gear in our men’s retail shop (more info on that coming soon!). You’ll find themed apparel and gear including Wiffle ball sets, baseballs, and more. Here’s a sneak peek at some of what we’ve designed just for the “home team”:

Last but not least, our team is currently working through the logistics of how guests will be able to utilize and play on the field when it opens. Our hope is that the field is a place where people can hang out, but we’ll also have equipment ready for pick up games. We can’t wait to play ball with you!

Image Sources:

1925—Source: Guinn, J and B. Bragan, 1999. When Panthers Roared: The Fort Worth Cats and Minor League Baseball. Texas Christian University Press: Fort Worth, Texas.
1953—Courtesy, Squire Haskins Photography, Inc. Collection, Special Collections, The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries.
1954—Source: Ames, E. S., 2009. Waco. Arcadia Pub.: Charleston, SC.
1956—Source: Image courtesy of the Waco Tribune-Herald—Creator: T.R. Taylor