As some of you probably know, Chip has taken on the challenge of running a full marathon in our inaugural Silo District MarathonOpens in new tab this May, and now Clint Harp and Jimmy Don Holmes have joined him! Clint will be running the Half Marathon and Jimmy Don, the 5K. Even better, all three have been named team captains of their individual races. You can think of these three like your coaches. They’re here to remind you that you can do hard things, and to share their stories of why they’ve decided to take on this challenge and run this race.

Jimmy Don, tell us why you decided to sign up?
Well, I’ve never been a runner guy, but I just wanted to be a part of it. Truth be told, I might walk the whole thing, but I just want to be there. In fact, my whole family and 20 members of my team back at the office have all signed up to do this thing with me!
How are you going to feel crossing that finish line?
In everyday life I have a lot of drive and ambition, and in this case I just wanted to do it. And at the end of the day, I’m proud of the fact that my team is going to be there, crossing that finish line with me.
What’s your favorite song to listen to while training?
I listen to “Like a Rock” every day. That line, “Those 20 years, where’d they go? I’d like to know” really gets me. These past 20 years have flown by so fast, and I know the next 20 will be even faster. I’m just trying to work hard and be happy, those are my goals.
What are you doing to prepare for the race?
I’ve been putting a lot of work into it, and I’ve lost 62 pounds this past year. I’m pretty proud of it! It’s a little-by-little, everyday kind of thing.
What would you say to someone who’s on the fence about signing up?
Just do it—what’s the hold up? If Jimmy Don Holmes can sign up, you can too. You’ve still got time!
+ You’ve never signed up for a race before, but you’ve always wanted to try it.
+ You want to take the first step in starting to run.
+ You have a dream of running a longer race, but want to start slow.
+ You’re not a runner, but you want to support this awesome cause - walkers included!
+ You want to try a low-pressure race with friends or family.
Clint, why did you decide to sign up for the half marathon?
I’m a runner, it’s kind of my thing. I have this shirt that says “#lovebuildrun” and for me, running is how I find my peace and how I center myself. It motivates me when I get up at 6 a.m. and the rest of the town is asleep, but I’m going, I’m working—I’m fighting for a goal. I ran 3 marathons by the age of 24, but this is actually my first half marathon. It’s been a while since I’ve run this distance, and obviously if Magnolia is having a marathon, man I’ve gotta get out there and sign up!
How are you going to feel crossing that finish line?
The feeling that you’ve accomplished something you’ve set your mind to is worth all the hard work. And whether you run the whole thing, you walk the whole thing or have a mixture both—it really doesn’t matter. Setting your mind to something and then doing that something when so few people do it is the reward itself.
What are you doing to prepare for the race?
You know, in the past I would just run. I’d clock my mileage in and that was about it. This time around I’m doing things a little differently. The best piece of advice I’ve received was actually from the long distance coach at Baylor University, and he said that after every run you should do as many sit-ups as your body allows—because running is all about the core. And man he was right. I’m running, but I’m also doing a Crossfit hybrid workout three days a week.
What’s your favorite song to listen to while running?
Oh man this list could go on and on. Music is my thing. I listen to everything from Tom Petty, Coldplay, U2—even Ariana Grande...and then sometimes I just need rap so I turn on some Jay-Z. Honestly you name it, and it’s probably been on of one of my running playlists.
What would you say to someone who’s on the fence about signing up?
The prize is just finishing—take it slow.
+ You’re a hobby runner looking to take on a new challenge.
+ You’ve run races in the past and are looking to get back into it or set a new PR.
+ You’re looking for a beginner-friendly half marathon.
Why did you want to run and host a marathon here in Waco?
It’s always been a goal of mine to run a marathon. I didn’t quite realize it would happen now, but once I met Gabe Grunewald and heard her storyOpens in new tab, there was no turning back. I knew we had to host our own here in Waco, Texas. The petty incremental pains I feel are nothing compared to the daily fight she’s going through, and that really keeps me motivated to run this thing.
How are you going to feel crossing that finish line?
I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. I can’t wait. We’ve got some fun things planned along the whole race course and I know this is going to be really special. Crossing that finish line is going to be an incredible feeling.
What’s your favorite song to listen to while running
You know, I don’t actually listen to music when I run. For me, my time hitting the pavement allows me to really think. I think about my family, I think about the business—and I do a whole lot of praying. They say you’re supposed to think of a marathon in 30-minute increments, and I’m telling you, I can start thinking and praying about my family for 30 minutes and before I know it I’ve finished up my run for the day.
How are you preparing for this race?
Gabe prepared a schedule for me to keep my training consistent, but I gotta tell you that on my first run I realized pretty quickly that I was in for quite the shock. I only had 1.5 miles (1.7 really) on my schedule to complete the first day, but I’m telling you, that one little measly mile and some change really did me in. To make matters worse, after that first run, I decided to drive 26.2 miles, an entire marathon distance, to see for myself how far it really was. I won’t lie to you, I shed a small tear on that drive when I realized the expanse between point A and point B. And now, this past weekend, I ran 11 miles—and my schedule only had 9 for the day! It was tough, no doubt about it. But I’m starting to really get what they mean by running being a mental game. Once you set your mind to it, you can do it.
What would you say to someone who’s on the fence about signing up?
I think you’ve got to take that first step. For me, I’m kind of an extreme guy so I went from being a sort of couch potato to “I’m going to run a marathon!” overnight. You don’t have to be as extreme about it, you just have to take the first step. You can do it, and why not do it?
+ You’re a half marathon runner ready to move on to the natural next step challenge.
+ Like Chip, you’re ready to put in the work and knock “run a marathon” off of your bucket list.
+ You’ve run a marathon in the past and want to see if you’ve still got it.
+ You’re an avid marathon runner who wants to add another race to your lineup this season.
These three captains each have a completely different story, which is a perfect representation of this marathon. It’s for everyone! Runners, walkers, beginners, professionals and every skill level in between. So who’s ready to take on a new challenge and tackle something you never thought you were capable of?
The team captains are going to be posting updates about their training as the day gets closer, so be sure to follow each of them on social media—especially your team’s captain! Encourage your friends and family to sign up with you by posting your captain’s quote on your social media accounts. Be sure to use the hashtag #SiloDistrictMarathon so that we see it!
We believe in you, we know you can do it, and we’re excited to see what you can accomplish. If you can’t make it to Waco, Texas this year, sign up for a race in your area that supports a cause you care about. In the words of Chip, you can’t fail unless you never get started. So go get ‘em!
To learn more about the races and to register for the Silo District Marathon, click hereOpens in new tab.
Chip Gaines | TwitterOpens in new tab | InstagramOpens in new tab
Clint Harp | TwitterOpens in new tab | InstagramOpens in new tab
Jimmy Don Holmes | TwitterOpens in new tab | InstagramOpens in new tab
Of course, you should always consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise program. Even Chip got a physical before starting his marathon training!