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Abner & Amanda's Homemade Egg Noodles

Homemade Egg Noodles

byAmanda Sudano Ramirez and Abner Ramirez
Total 1 hour and 40 minutes
Active 40 mins
Makes 4 to 5 servings
Special Equipment
Stand mixer with pasta attachment, or a pasta machine
Special Equipment
Stand mixer with pasta attachment, or a pasta machine
  • 3 1/2 cups tipo "00" double zero flour (extra fine)
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 5 large eggs
  • Semolina flour for dusting
    1. In a bowl, whisk the flour and salt until combined. Make a well in the middle of the flour and add the eggs. Using a fork, break up the yolks first and whisk slightly, then pull flour into the middle of the bowl to mix with the eggs. Turn the bowl and repeat until all the wet egg mixture is gone. Set the fork aside and use your hands to mix the dough together, making sure to get any excess flour or dough off the sides of the bowl.
    2. Lightly flour a work surface and place the dough on it. Knead with the palm of your hand pushing away from you. Fold some of the dough onto itself, turn the dough 90 degrees, and knead again with the palm of your hand. Set a timer for 8 minutes and continue kneading (you cannot over-knead pasta dough, but you can under-knead it). When the dough is ready it should be firm and totally smooth and if you press your finger into the top it should bounce back.
    3. Wrap the dough in plastic and let it sit at room temperature for at least 1 hour and up to 5 hours. This allows the gluten to relax and makes for a softer dough.
    4. Lightly flour a work surface. Unwrap the dough and cut it into 4 equal parts. With a rolling pin, roll 1 of the pieces of dough into an oval disk. Run the disk of dough through the widest setting of your pasta maker. Repeat this 3 more times on this setting. Next lay the dough flat and fold both short ends in to meet in the center. Then, fold it in half lengthwise to form a rectangle. This helps make the dough rectangular and keeps the noodles long and straight. Run the dough through the pasta roller three times on level 2, three times on level 3, and one time each on levels 4, 5, and 6. Lay the dough on a sheet tray dusted with semolina flour, fold it in half making sure there is semolina on the top of the dough as well so it won’t stick together. Repeat with the remaining 3 pieces of dough in the same way.
    5. Run the pasta sheets through a fettuccine pasta cutter attachment. Hang the noodles until ready to cook, or gather them up and loosely wrap them around your hand and place the bundle onto a dusted sheet tray. The fresh noodles can be refrigerated, wrapped in plastic, for up to 2 days.